Mary Shelley, the iconic author of Frankenstein holds a prominent place in literary history, not only as…

Photography and Storytelling
I’ve posted about my digital art, but I wanted to include my photography as well. I have an artist page on my website now which highlights my digital art and photography. I wanted to share some of this with you. You can also follow me on Instagram to see more.
All art tells a story. It may be the story of the artist and their life and interests. It may be the story of the subject being utilized for the art piece. It may be a combination. The best stories are those that hit all the right notes for the person looking or interacting with it. They have their own story for the piece as well. That or they are interested in the story being shown or told to them.
Art is a social experience in many ways. It should be thought-provoking, emotion-provoking and sometimes even challenging.
Below are some examples of some of my photography that I’d like to share.

This is from one of my own typewriters in my collection. I have over 70 typewriters. I love them. Seeing these keys inspires me to tell stories. Or maybe to write poetry. Or a letter.

I see this every time I go visit my father in Lakeport, CA. I think it’s a brilliant piece and often wonder what it took to make it.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love and adore dogs. Especially my own. But I love ALL dogs.
This is Bella. When I got her from a shelter she was very tiny. I got her home and the next day the shelter called to have me return her. All the dogs had distemper. It was so bad they planned to euthanize every animal in the shelter. Over 100 animals. I was devastated to hear that. I took Bella to the vet to be tested. No way was I going to return her. She tested positive for distemper. She was small, young, the vet offered to euthanize her before things “got bad.” I declined.
Things never got so bad that she was in pain. But she was sick for three months. A friend of mine gave me goats milk from a goat that had a baby. It’s very nutritious. I wasn’t sure she’d make it. For a time she went blind. But she rallied, because she’s a little fighter, and she lived. The only dog to live out of over 100 dogs. They even had a write-up about her in the local newspaper. She’s my little miracle. And a mischievous little thing who loves to hoard toys and steal socks. I love that little face so much. And that big heart of hers.

More from my personal typewriter collection. To me this picture makes me think of blogging. You tell stories from the road or about your journey.

This is Manhattan, which I love. New York City is in my bones, even though I’m a California native. The city has energy and beauty unlike anywhere else on earth.
I was invited to a fancy party for a big magazine. It was in a skyscraper and I had this amazing view. I love how half the picture is the park and the other half is the city. Is nature trying to consume the city or is it being eaten by it?

Last, but not least, another from my collection. A Royal blue “candy” typewriter. I love the color so much.
I hope you’ll check out my artist page from time to time to see the stories I have there.
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