Mary Shelley and LGBTQAI+: Exploring Queer Themes in the Life and Works of the Pioneer of Science Fiction
Mary Shelley, the iconic author of Frankenstein holds a prominent place in literary history, not only as the mother of science fiction but also as a figure whose life and works resonate with LGBTQAI+ themes and issues. Though Shelley lived in the…
The Tragic Figure of Frankenstein’s Creature: A Reflection on Humanity
Mary Shelley's **Frankenstein**, published in 1818, is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its haunting themes of creation, ambition, and the complex nature of humanity. One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is the character…
Book Trailers: When, What, Where and Why? What’s In It For Me?
There’s a time and a place for everything. Book videos are no different. Let’s take a look at some different circumstances in which book video can be helpful at different points. What benefits are there for you? Longevity,…
Time Management- Is Doing it All is Doing it Wrong?
If you’re spending more time on social media than writing your book you’re doing it wrong. I know, that’s harsh, but nothing sells a book like, well, having a book. A great book. Right? So you have to make time…
Takin’ Care of Business – A Writer’s Business Plan
Writing Is A Business?!!: How To Create Your Business Plan You’re an artist. I know that. You write wonderful stories to thrill and entertain the masses. But, if you would like to do this for a living you need to…
My Darker Self – a poem
I am my Darker Self Exposed and Hidden What you see And the invisible A shield of apathy A blade of words Bleeding heartache And rage Caged chaos Tattooing myself with life's ink "Help me" by: Sheila English
Come to Kill You – A Poem by Sheila English
The sound of fallen glass In an empty room Bang! Crack! Echo… Footsteps on carpeted stairs Thump… thump… thump… The handle of the bedroom door moves Rattle… rattle… rattle… An unseen hand opens the door Click… squeak… silence… Silhouette…
The Misrepresentation of Ghosts – A Poem by Sheila English
Not everything that is dark Is dreary Not everything that is horrific Is scary Not everything that is ghost-filled Is haunted Not everything that is known Is understood Not everything that is dead Is…
Photography and Storytelling
I've posted about my digital art, but I wanted to include my photography as well. I have an artist page on my website now which highlights my digital art and photography. I wanted to share some of this with you…
Storytelling Through Art
A couple of years ago I discovered a love for digital art. I've done photography for years. I've never done professional photography, just stuff for myself, but I feel I was relatively good at it, just not an expert. But,…
Loving Gothic Fiction Reviews!
There's something extremely satisfying and inspiring when you find you've won someone over who was initially skeptical. I do realize that writing Gothic fiction means not everyone will be interested. Some people feel I'm writing fan fiction, which I don't…
Online Book Club Reviews Adam Frankenstein: Search for a Soul
So happy my Adam Frankenstein: Search for a Soul got 4 out of 4 stars from the Online Book Club! This is one of the best-written reviews I think I've ever seen for anyone. Very thoughtful, well written, and clear. …
The Madame and the Madman Move on in ScreenCraft Contest
So excited that my short story The Madame and the Madman was chosen by Screencraft to move on to the finalist stage of their contest! The Madame and the Madman is an Adam Frankenstein story that also featured Victor Dracula…
The New Comic Cover for Demon’s Gate!
Fear Fest was released last year and did very well so I am super excited to share the release of the follow-up to Fear Fest - Demon's Gate! Adam Frankenstein and his partner Rebecca shut down the gate with the…
Let’s Watch Frankenstein Together! January 16, 2021
Yes! Universal Studios will release Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein on January 16th, 2021 on YouTube for a limited time for free! We can watch it together! I'll hold a Facebook Live event on my author site to get us…
Researching Mary Shelley
Most people know her as the author of Frankenstein. That is just a small part of her story. Mary Shelley was a woman unlike others of her time. She thumbed her nose at convention. She couldn't be categorized by the…
A Very Mary Shelley Christmas
The year Mary Shelley wrote her now infamous novel - Frankenstein was called "The Year Without Summer". It was, in fact, cold and dreary the entire year and even though she began writing the novel in June it's felt that…
One definition of Gothic is- of or relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents – Gothic novels That’s the definition we like best! We’ve chosen five of our favorite historical Gothic…
Writing Historical Gothic – Research and Challenges
I've always known the story of how Mary Shelley's League of Supernatural Hunters came to be. I've written a short story about it and thought that would be the end of it. But my agent had other plans. He wanted…
The Vampyre by John William Polidori
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook…
John William Polidori – His Words of that Fateful Event
Copied with permission from the Gutenberg project. John William Polidori was among those at Villa Diodati that fateful summer when Mary, Percy and Claire came to visit Lord Byron. Challenged to write a ghost story Polidori started out with some…
Giving…and Getting Your Entire Heart – A Mary Shelley Factoid
Though often referred to as a "myth" it is actually a fact that Mary Shelley kept her husband, Percy Shelley's heart, until the day she died. Percy died in a storm out on a lake. When his body finally washed…
Mary Shelley Comic- The Creation of Adam
Writing the comic book for Mary Shelley's League of Supernatural Hunters I always knew Adam Frankenstein, the creature, would get his origin story. Not just the story of how the creature was created, which loosely follows the novel written by…
Mary Shelley Research
Most people know who Mary Shelley is or at least they've heard of her book - Frankenstein. But, fewer people know who she actually was. She was an amazing woman who had so many hardships in her life. She was…